
Hen and her chicks

Our sow with her 15 piglets

Newborn lambs taking their first steps

Kerris with the pigs

Hens waiting to be fed
- Red Shavers and Hylines that lay large brown eggs – we usually get ‘rescue’ hens from the commercial farms, and give them a loving free range home for the rest of their days – here they learn to scratch and roost, and give us delicious eggs.
- Araucanas that lay green eggs – remember Dr Seuss’ book “Green Eggs and Ham”? Are the insides any different??
- Barred Rocks that are a large speckled barnyard hen – they lay cream coloured eggs.
- On your farm feeding tour, we let you collect the eggs straight from the nests, but beware a ‘sitting’ hen!
- Mummy sows “Honeybum” and “Zeb” who usually have 8-12 piglets every 6 months.
- Lots and lots of piglets around Oct/Nov and Apr/May
- Daddy boar “Dumbo” who has such large ears he can’t even see you coming!
- We raise Saddleback pigs because they are one of the most docile breeds, and this is very important when you have lots of people around.
- We feed the pigs grass, bread, pellets and all your tasty food scraps.
- The ewe “Ziggy” who was a bottle fed lamb herself, and overly tame at times. She gives us twin lambs every year, and loves your bread crusts.
- We usually have a couple more ewes on the farm as well.
- All our sheep are self-shedding Wiltshires, which means they molt every spring (no shearing needed). These are meat breeds, and have fabulous big chops and roasts
Motu or Kerris would be happy to have you along for the evening feeding tour between 3pm-4pm; you just need to book in with us prior.